Elna offers a small range of overlockers known as the 664. Both are popular and similar in appear...
Elna offers a small range of overlockers known as the 664. Both are popular and similar in appearance with their lay-in tension dials. The 664 Pro ...
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Sold out
Elna eXtend 664 Overlocker
- 3 & 4 Threads
- 5.0 to 7.0mm Seam Widths
- Lay In Tension Dials
- Rolled Hem
£329.00 £309.00Saving £20.00From £8.22 per month over 48 months*
Shop now, pay later
- 3 & 4 Threads
- 5.0 to 7.0mm Seam Widths
- Lay In Tension Dials
- Rolled Hem
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